Core Strength & Balance

Core strength refers to the strength and stability around your abdominal, lower back and hip muscles. As snowboarding incorporates a lot of twisting and rotating, core strength plays a critical part in controlling the movements on your board. The stronger your core, the easier it will be to perform more challenging manoeuvres and maintain good form. It will also help reduce the risk of injury.

Balance is also critical for snowboarders. If your balance is better then you will be able to land tricks easier and crash less.

Here are some example exercises from our program Total Snowboarding Fitness - Functional Training for Snowboarders:

Russian Twist

  • Lie on a stability ball with your feet on the floor and knees at right angles.

  • Hold a weight plate / medicine ball above your head and roll to the side until the tip of your shoulder is on the ball. Repeat on the other side.


Stability Ball Bridge

  • Support your weight with your toes on the ground and your forearms on the ball, creating a straight bridge with your body.

  • Draw in your abdominals toward your spine and hold this throughout the exercise for the required time.


To start improving your snowboarding fitness, download our free functional training program:

Free Snowboarding Exercise Program...

Kick start your snowboarding fitness with this free functional exercise program. This program can be done twice a week using only your body weight. Simply fill in the form below to gain instant access.


Total Snowboarding Fitness - Functional Training for Snowboarders

For the complete exercise program designed specifically for snowboarders, download Total Snowboarding Fitness - Functional Training for Snowboarders

Total Snowboarding Fitness - Functional Training for Snowboarders is your complete guide to functional training for snowboarders including 12 weeks worth of exercise programs to get you in peak condition to hit the snow this season.

To download Total Snowboarding Fitness - Functional Training for Snowboarders, click here.




Lower Body

Core Strength
& Balance


Upper Body


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